Saturday, January 3, 2009

Best optical illusion

We have seen several optical illusions. Many optical illusion pictures have to be looked at for 30 seconds or so. Whereas some illusions only stands valid for an initial glimpse. There are illusions that are quite straight forward to others and they dont see any thing mysterious in them.

Here is an illusion which is my personal favorite. I have asked many of friends to just ponder at it.. You will be amazed by this too. Have a look at this picture called checker shadow illusion.

You don't believe it, right. I bet 99.99 % people would have the same thoughts as you have. Here is trick to prove yourself wrong.

Save this image on your computer. Then edit it using paint brush. Use the eraser tool to start removing boxes other than A and B. You will begin to realize that as you erase other boxes and cylinder the boxes A and B appear to look similar. Finally you will be left with only box A and B which are of same color. Wasn't that interesting?

1 Comment:

Anonymous said...

I like this one.