Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Similar Images from Google

Google labs have unveiled another new and exciting features called Similar Images. This is tagged as "Redefine your image search with Visual Similarity". What it does is that it allows you to redefine what you are exactly looking for by clicking on a similar images link below the search result (which is an image).

For example if you are searching for Paris, the initial result would give you images of Paris France, Eiffel Tower, Paris Hilton etc. But if your intention was to look for Eiffel Tower you can click similar images below an images and wow you got rid of unwanted images. The matching that Google does has not much to do with actual image matching, which could be really resource intensive, but on meta tags associated with images. This some times dilutes the filtered results but nonetheless you get one step closer to your intended results.

So its time to get along with