Saturday, December 20, 2008

Word List with Synonyms, Antonyms and Usage sentence

There is another word list in my collection that I want to share with all test takers. This is a really good one for the following reasons

  • I have randomize these words
  • Its compact and thus contains high frequency words only
  • Most of the words have synonyms, antonyms and a usage sentence.
The last point, which is the focus of this word list is very important. Antonyms are actually part of GRE verbal test, so you may come across these antonyms in an actual test. Sentences are must to understand how the word is going to be used. Many words are similar but they can not be substituted with another appropriate word, thus a sentence tells you a context where it can be used. I usually remember and recall the meaning of unknown words from the sentence that I have gone through, and have some how stick to my mind. Thus, I hope this word list will help you on your SAT, GRE and GMAT tests.

1 Comment:

Anonymous said...

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since the same oils, despite that eaten absolutely fresh, will oxidize at any much higher level of once they are in the body, where they
are heated and thoroughly mixed with a good large quantities of oxygen.

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